Carroll and Madison Public Library Foundation

Most library foundations support one library.

We’re a little different. We support six—six rural libraries, each with different demographics, different budgets, and different needs.

Our role as a Foundation is to be just that: a foundation, a solid financial base so that our six libraries, our communities, our thousands of patrons young and old, will always have free and public access to information. That, after all, is the fundamental and defining purpose of any public library.

Our Board

The Board of Directors consists of library representatives from Carroll and Madison counties who meet quarterly.

2024-2025 Board of Directors

  • Jean Elderwind, President
  • Johnice Glisson, Vice-President
  • Byron Russ, Treasurer
  • April Griffith, Secretary
  • Loretta Crenshaw
  • Staci Evans
  • Amy Holtkamp
  • LeaAnn Jackson
  • Dena James
  • Allen Rogers
  • Bill Horrell, Emeritus
  • Jennifer Hudspeth, Emerita

Our Libraries

The Carroll and Madison Public Library Foundation supports a library system that is comprised of six different libraries in Carroll and Madison counties in Northwest Arkansas. Our libraries are located in the communities of Berryville, Eureka Springs, Green Forest, Huntsville, Kingston, and St. Paul. Visit these delightful diverse full-service libraries. They are the pride of their communities, drop in to see why.

Our Needs

State and county tax revenues and local demographics have one thing in common: they are ever-changing. In such an environment of uncertain tax revenues and increasing populations, the Foundation’s mission to provide financial stability for our libraries is even more important. We support our libraries’ needs including:

  • Maintaining, upgrading, and enhancing public-access computers as technologies change and demand increases;
  • Seeking assistance with renovation, new construction, and new fixtures as library use increases;
  • Training staff as more efficient and cost-effective communications for sharing resources are developed;
  • Providing innovative programs to our young patrons instilling in them an early reading habit and the joy of life-long learning.

How You Can Help

Because we are a non-profit 501c3 organization, you receive an immediate income tax deduction when you make an outright gift. Please donate today!

By Mail

Carroll and Madison Public Library Foundation

190-B Spring Street

Eureka Springs, AR 72632

By Credit Card

Make a fast and secure one-time or recurring monthly donation through our PayPal portal. Once on our PayPal page, you have a choice to either donate using your credit card or with your PayPal account if you already have one.

Legacy and Planned Giving

You gain an immediate income tax deduction when you make an outright gift. Your options include:

  • Outright gifts-cash, securities, personal property, and real estate;
  • Income-producing gifts-charitable remainder trusts and other similar income-producing planning vehicles;
  • Estate gift-bequests from wills or living trusts, retirement plan assets;
  • Other planned gifts-charitable lead trusts, life estate gift of home or farm, life insurance policy.

Please email us, [email protected], to discuss legacy and planned giving. We would love to talk with you.

Your Gift

You may give an unrestricted gift to the Carroll and Madison Public Library Foundation to used where the need is the greatest, or you can help your own community library.

You may also choose whether your gift will benefit one or more areas of operation in that library, such as books, computers, children’s programs, or capital improvements.

However you choose and whatever the amount or designation, we do hope that you consider helping us ensure the future of our, of your libraries.

Please let us answer all of your questions about our Foundation and our work with our libraries. Email us at [email protected].